Immersion suits/Anti-exposure suits - Flag Information
Please see the instructions from the flag states for immersion suits and anti-exposure suits required by SOLAS Chap.III/20.7 and 32.3. And please confirm the below hereafter as ClassNK Technical Information related to the subject had been voided.
Carriage Requirements
- SOLAS Chap.III/7.3;
An immersions suit or anti-exposure suit of an appropriate size shall be provided for every person assigned to crew the rescue boat or assigned to the marine evacuation system party.
- SOLAS Chap.III/32.3
- The paragraph applies to all cargo ships.
- An immersion suit of an appropriate size shall be provided for every person on board the ship. However, for ships other than bulk carriers, as defined in Chap.IX/1, these immersion suits need not be required if the ship in constantly engaged on voyages in warm climates where, in the opinion of the Administration, immersion suits are unnecessary.
- If a ship has any watch or work stations which are located remotely from the place or places where immersion suits are normally stowed, including remotely located survival craft carried in accordance with Chap.III/31.1.4 additional immersion suits of an appropriate size shall be provided at these locations for the number of persons normally on watch or working at those locations at any time.
(supplement) At least two sets of immersion suits are to be provided for the stored position of the additional liferaft required by Chap.III/31.1.4 (IACS UI SC213 Rev.4).
- Immersion suits shall be so placed as to be readily accessible and their position shall be plainly indicated.
- The immersion suits required by this regulation may be used to comply with the requirements of Chap.III/7.3.
- Instructions from Flag State Administrations
Flag |
Requirements |
Circular |
Australia |
Refer to Marine Order 25.
Web site |
Bahamas |
Refer to BMA Marine Notice MN085.
Web site |
Bahrain |
Refer to PMA Directive No. SOLAS/10.
Web site |
Cayman Islands |
Refer to Shipping Notice MACI 003/2007.
Web site |
Cyprus |
Refer to Circular No.12/2006.
Web site |
Denmark |
Refer to DMA Circular No.013.
Web site |
Gibraltar |
Refer to Shipping Guidance Notice 021.
Web site |
Isle of Man |
Refer to Manx Shipping Notice MSN 062.
Web site |
Liberia |
Refer to Marine Notice SAF-007.
Web site |
Luxembourg |
Refer to Circular CAM 01/2021
Web site |
Malaysia |
Web site |
Malta |
Refer to Technical Notice SLS.8.
Web site |
Marshall Islands |
Refer to Marine Notice No.2-011-5.
Web site |
Norway |
Web site |
Panama |
Refer to Merchant Marine Circular No.144.
Web site |
Singapore |
Refer to MPA Guidelines for Immersion Suits
Original |
Vanuatu |
Refer to Fleet / Safety Letter 06085.GEN.
Web site |
Air pressure test and Monthly inspection
- Instructions from Flag State Administrations
Flag |
Requirements |
Circular |
Bahamas |
Refer to Information Bulletin No.85. |
Original |
Belize |
Refer to Merchant Shipping Notice MSN-0018. |
Original |
Cayman Islands |
Refer to Shipping Notice CISN 04/05 (Para.2.3). |
Original |
Cyprus |
Refer to Circular No. 12 /2006 and Circular No. 05/2010.
Air pressure test may be carried out by trained ship’s crews on board the ship subject to the conditions required by the Administration. |
Original Original
Dominica |
Refer to CD-MSC 40-01 Rev02 (Para.3). |
Original |
Greece |
Refer to Ref. No. 4338.1/03/06.
MSC/Circ.1047 should be incorporated into the checklist of instructions for on-board maintenance prescribed in SOLAS Chap.III/36.1, and the monthly inspection of immersion suits / anti-exposure suits should be carried out in accordance with SOLAS Chap.III/20.7. |
Original |
Hong Kong |
MSC/Circ.1047 should be incorporated into the checklist of instructions for on-board maintenance prescribed in SOLAS Chap.III/36.1, and the monthly inspection of immersion suits / anti-exposure suits should be carried out in accordance with SOLAS Chap.III/20.7. |
India |
Refer to NT Circular No. NT/LSA/01/2017 of 31 May 2017.
Air pressure test may be carried out by trained ship’s crews on board the ship subject to the conditions required by the Administration.
MSC/Circ.1047 should be incorporated into the checklist of instructions for on-board maintenance prescribed in SOLAS Chap.III/36.1, and the monthly inspection of immersion suits / anti-exposure suits should be carried out in accordance with SOLAS Chap.III/20.7. |
Original |
Liberia |
Refer to Marine Notice SAF-001 (Para.5.4) and Ref: NK-IMM-103009 of October 30, 2009. Air pressure test may be carried out by trained ship’s crews on board the ship subject to the conditions required by the Administration. |
Original Original
Luxembourg |
Refer to CIRCULAR CAM 01/2021. A periodic testing of immersion suits is to be carried at intervals not exceeding three years in accordance with MSC/Circ.1114.Immersion suits of ten years of age are to be tested by the next safety equipment survey.After this ten years period, periodic testing is to be carried out at intervals not exceeding two years. |
Web site |
Malta |
Refer to Technical Notice SLS.8 Rev.2.
The Immersion Suit and Anti-Exposure Suit are to be subjected to an air pressure test at intervals not exceeding 3 years from the suit's manufacturing date or the last testing date.
Testing should be performed at a suitable shore-based facility or alternatively on board ship provided that suitable testing equipment is available.
Notwithstanding the above, any immersion suits of over 10 years of age must be serviced annually at an approved service station.
Original |
Marshall Islands |
Refer to Marine Notice No. 2-011-5 (Para.3.7). |
Original |
Panama |
Refer to Merchant Marine Circular No.144. |
Original |
Philippines |
Refer to Flag State Administration Advisory No. 2011-06. |
Original |
Singapore |
Air pressure test is to be implemented in accordance with MSC/Circ.1114.
MSC/Circ.1047 should be incorporated into the checklist of instructions for on-board maintenance prescribed in SOLAS Chap.III/36.1, and the monthly inspection of immersion suits / anti-exposure suits should be carried out in accordance with SOLAS Chap.III/20.7. |
Sri Lanka |
Refer to MSN 10/2010 of 6 July 2010.
Air pressure test may be carried out by trained ship’s crews on board the ship subject to the conditions required by the Administration. |
Original |
St. Kitts and Nevis |
Refer to Circular Letter No. SV06/2007 (Para.6). |
Original |
Tuvalu |
Refer to Marine Circular MC-5 2012 1. |
Original |
U.K. |
Refer to MGN 529 (M+F). |
Original |
Viet Nam |
Refer to Technical Information 021KT/05TB.E. |
Original |
- IMO Circular referred;
For any questions about the above, please contact:
Questions for carriage requirements
Material and Equipment Department, Administration Center Annex, Head Office
Address 3-3 Kioi-cho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 102-0094, Japan
Tel: 03-5226-2020
Fax: 03-5226-2057
Questions for Air pressure test and Monthly inspection
Survey Department, Administration Center Annex , Head Office
Address 3-3 Kioi-cho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 102-0094, Japan
Tel: 03-5226-2027
Fax: 03-5226-2029