WACDAS (WAve Climate Data Aggregation for Ships)

WACDAS (WAve Climate Data Aggregation for Ships)

In accordance with the “Guidelines for Container Stowage and Securing Arrangements” (hereby referred to as “the Guidelines”), we have developed "WACDAS (WAve Climate Data Aggregation for Ships)" as a tool for calculating the route correction factors required for safety assessment of container lashing. WACDAS is an application that enables users to easily calculate route correction factors in a web browser by evaluating the ship motion of individual vessels considering different wave environments depending on the route and season of the actual planned voyage.

In order to use the route correction factors calculated by WACDAS, the lashing software corresponding to the class notation "CSSA-RS" is required in accordance with the Guidelines (2023, 3rd edition or later). The Guidelines are available to download via ClassNK’s website for those who have registered for the ClassNK “My Page”.

Related press release (ClassNK):
ClassNK adds standards to ensure safe and efficient operation of containerships

Functions of WACDAS

    The following functions are available with WACDAS:
  • Calculation of the correction factor according to the route and season of the actual planned voyage
  • Ability to output calculation results as a report

Any sea route can be easily entered on a map (CSV input is also possible).
WACDAS (WAve Climate Data Aggregation for Ships)

How to use WACDAS

WACDAS is available at the link below.
The WACDAS User Manual and Terms of Use are available at the link below.


For any inquiries or concerns about WACDAS, please contact

Hull Department

Tel: +81-3-5226-2017
e-mail: hld@classnk.or.jp